She too is a human being!!! A woman is the epitome of sacrifice, an idol of grace Maker of home at every phase, Then why she has to face such disgrace? Kindness is the best jewel of a woman. She is the nurturer, she is the provider, and she is the sole sufferer. People say that karma repays, then why her kindness doesn't return to her? I feel she too is a human being, isn't she? Then, why did all the sufferings and pains happen to her alone? Why can't men protect women? Are they only strong enough to show all their strength and might on her? Why she has to surrender to her husband? Gone are the days when domestic violence was considered a trend among men. It was a way to show their power and might. However, the 21st century is no different. In the 21st century, women are even two steps ahead of men; contrastingly, there's a rising number of crimes ag...