Successful People Passion and Profession Have you ever wondered why you have been born? What is the purpose behind your birth? It is said, that everything is predestined. Everything that happens around us is predefined. Have you ever thought, ‘what fate holds in store for you’? What is your future? It is said to live in present, but, what about your future? Every day we meet thousands of people around us, then, why some are good and the others bad for us? Why are some successful and the others unsuccessful? Who is to decide it all? It is said that ‘everyone is unique and has enough potential to do something big’; then, why there are failures? Why people (especially students) suicide? Where to find this uniqueness? Well all these questions might have hit our minds at least once in our lifetime but we could not find their exact answers. In this fast changing world, we have to transform ourselves, and our lives to cope up with the changing environment. We have pe...