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home made remedies for clear and glowing skin

5 Home made remedies to get clear and glowing skin instantly

 Fair and glowing sin is the requirement of every lady. However, there are some reasons due to which they fail to get it. They are:
  • improper lifestyle
  • inadequate sleep
  • pollution 
  • improper diet
  • improper nutrition
  • stressful life
  • sun burn

Well who doesn’t want a clear and glowing skin; everybody around us wants crystal clear skin. However, in this supremely dynamic environment it is difficult for us to get a fair skin throughout.  Acne, scars, wrinkles etc. all worry us so much that the result can easily be seen on our face. Here are a few easy remedies to get clear and glowing skin at the comfort of your home and that can be done within 5 minutes and give you the results instantly.

1.     Aloe Vera, fuller’s earth mask: 

      Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is the best natural ingredient which can be found in any household. Due to its medicinal properties, it is recommended by many dermatologists. It has many skin aging characteristics as well. It makes skin soft as well as glowing. It also helps to remove the discoloration around eyes and provide coolness. 
      Fuller’s earth: It is used as the most important ingredient in many beauty products like foundation, face powder, fairness creams etc. It is extremely beneficial for removing excess oil on skin and also hydrates it completely. 

Lemon: Lemon is a good source of vitamin C. It is rich in fiber and various other plant compounds. It is acts as a good cleanser and removes all the impurities present on the face.

·        Add 1 tablespoon of fuller’s earth in a bowl.
·        Add 3 tablespoons full of Aloe Vera gel to it. You can use fresh Aloe Vera gel only after removing the yellow portion from it.
·        Add ½ a spoon full of fresh lemon juice to it.
·        Mix all the ingredients well and apply it on your face.
·        Wait for 5-10 minutes.
·        Wash your face.
·        You can also add rose water to it as it acts as the most efficient cleanser.
This mask gives you instant results and makes your skin bright and radiant.

2.    Gram flour, yogurt mask:

Gram flour:  Gram flour acts as a great exfoliate and removes dead skin as well. It is a great antioxidant and can be used as a scrub as well. It also removes the unwanted facial hair.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a natural ingredient which cleanses your skin and helps to make skin soft. Due to the presence of many acidic compounds, it provides the skin from acne.

Turmeric: Turmeric is a natural brighter and exfoliate. It makes skin healthy too. Also, because of its anti aging properties, it is recommended by many dermatologists.

·         In a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of gram flour.
·        To it add a tablespoon full of yogurt.
·        Mix it well.
·        Also add turmeric powder to this paste and mix again.
·        Apply this mask on your face for 10- 15 minutes.
·        Then wash it with running water.
·        Repeat this step 3 times a week.
You can observe the results instantly. Also, it makes your skin fairer and gives you a natural glow.

3.      Gram flour, honey paste:

Honey: honey is a natural cleanser as well as an exfoliate. It amplifies the skin and helps giving it a natural glow.

·         For dry skin, mix 2-3 drops of lemon juice with a tablespoon of gram flour.
·        Add 1 teaspoon of milk cream and ½ teaspoon of honey to form a paste.
·        Apply it all over the face and rinse it well through water.
This process is extremely beneficial. Especially, it is the most beneficial of all remedies.


4.      Gram flour and orange peel mask:

Orange peel: Orange or citrus is a very good source of vitamin C. it is also helpful in removing sunburn or tan. It detoxifies your skin and gives it brilliance and sheen.

·        Mix 4 tablespoons of gram flour with a tablespoon of orange peel (ground).
·        Add ½ a teaspoon of fresh cream and mix well.
·        Apply it all through your face and neck and wait for 15 minutes.
·        Post 15 minutes, wash it with clean water.
It can be used as a natural cleanser and can be used instead of soap to wash your face.

 5.   Oats and flour scrub:

Oats: Oats act as a natural scrub and help to remove the blackheads and dark spots.

Corn flour: Corn flour detoxifies your skin and cleanses it without any side effects.

·        Mix 3 teaspoons of flour with a teaspoon of ground oats.
·        Add 2 teaspoons of corn flour and a little raw milk too.
·         You can apply this on your face and use it as a scrub.
You can use this scrub once a week to get radiant results.

6.     Bonus tip: Apply fresh aloe Vera gel on your eyes and a little below it for a week, before sleeping to remove the dark circles.

Hope all these home remedies help you to fight your skin problems of acne, scars and fairness. Also, these remedies suit all types of skins and not cause any side effects.


  1. you might also like 'she too is a human being (dowry,domestic violence and other social evils) ""
    and school life: a pleasant dream "".

  2. Nice article ����


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